Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How Our Freedom May Be At Risk: The Truth Behind The "Zero Tolerance Policy"

How Our Freedom May Be At Risk
By Sara Lucia

Brainwashing the Youth: Zero Tolerance Policy

What they say: Zero Tolerance policies are enforced in public schools to ensure that schools across the country remain a Gun-free/Violence-free environment. Keeping children safe being the ultimate goal.

Sounds like a good idea, Right?


The Truth: Well what about a boy simply uttering the word “bang”? Does that violate the Zero Tolerance Policy? How about two kindergartners playing an innocent game of cops and robbers during recess? How about if a boy draws a picture of an American soldier holding a gun? Unbelievably, all of these children violated the public (government) schools Zero Tolerance Policy on “Gun control”. In all of these Cases the children were suspended. Children across America are being severely prosecuted and punished for what seems like perfectly normal and healthy behavior. However public school officials ignorantly label it “abnormal, violent behavior”, Suspension or expulsion is almost always their “Solution”. Often times these young children are required to go through counseling/training aimed to “correct” their “violent habits” (in other words, forcing every student into conformity and breaking down the individual is the schools ultimate goal). In some rare (still way too common) cases, these children end up being arrested. Let me remind you that these poor kids are only in elementary school, some as young as four years old. The most interesting aspect of it all is that studies and statistics prove that violence within public schools has not gone down despite Zero-Tolerance Policies, and I am pretty sure that public schools all over America know this. That is why I truly believe that there is a hidden agenda behind all this Zero-Tolerance nonsense that is deeply disturbing.

Here is a website that shows some Examples of the Zero-Sense Atrocities: www.the-eggman.com/writings/zerostup.html

So how does this relate to Government Control?

Now what I’m about to say may seem Radical.

It may seem extremely hard to believe, but I think that people need to question the real reasons behind things like the “Zero Tolerance Policy”.
I believe that this war on “Gun Control” in Public Schools will follow these kids into adulthood.

The Zero-Tolerance Policy is just one of many Government funded tools designed to create a society in which free citizens are turned into prisoners under tyrannical rule.

To guard our constitutional rights such as the freedom of speech, the freedom to privacy, the freedom to protest,
etc. We have the right to bare arms, which serves ultimately to protect the above rights from being infringed upon in anyway.

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bare arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government” – Thomas Jerfferson

If the Government wanted to try and take away our Rights to freedom, the very First step that they would have to take would be to confiscate all of the guns from the American citizens, That way we would have no way to defend ourselves against our own government.

“We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?”
- Joseph Stalin

History has shown us that within every dictatorship throughout time, whether it was the Communist Soviet Union of the Fascist Nazi Germany, the Rights and freedoms of the people were mercilessly crushed by their own Governments that they trusted and depended so much on. In both of these countries, the people did not have right to bare arms; they were kept completely under control by their tyrannical governments.

"An armed man is a citizen. A disarmed man is a subject."- Anonymous

The Zero Tolerance Policy Forced In By Government Schools May Be an Effort to Abolish the Second Amendment: The Right to Bare Arms

Taking the Right to own guns away from the American people would be a tremendously hard feat. Most Americans would protest that this is a constitutional right that can never be taken away from the people. The Federal Government knows this, and that is why if they really wanted to put an end to the American people’s right
to own firearms, they would have to gradually re-shape the opinions of the masses. The most effective way to accomplish this would be to target the youth.

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” – Adolf Hitler

Children are extremely impressionable. Their growing Minds are like a blank piece of paper ready to absorb whatever is written on it. Children will quickly learn whatever they are taught (either subconsciously of blatantly in front of them) by whoever is teaching them.
To put it bluntly all their thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and values can be very easily shaped and molded by whoever is in charge…well that just happens to be public schools that are funded by the federal government. The Zero Tolerance policy is simply a tool used for the purpose of brainwashing children into hating/fearing guns. Their excuse is that it makes schools safer (you have to see past this facade). Americans need to realize that these children will be the future voters of America, and they are being cleverly designed to deny their own constitutional right to bare arms. Think about it, grades K-12 are constantly being taught that guns are evil. This way of thinking is constantly pounded into their head through the Zero Tolerance Policies. The school administrators across the nation are using fear tactics to scare children away from not only real weapons, but anything even remotely related to one.

“Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” - Joseph Stalin

Replicas of guns (squirt gun, tiny plastic soldier holding a gun) are now considered dangerous weapons and children caught with such items face expulsion. Pointing your finger like a gun and saying the word “bang” is now considered a violent death threat. Unbelievably, a harmless drawing of a gun can now result in what my opinion constitutes as cruel and unusual punishment “A fifth-grader in St. Petersburg, Fla., was arrested for drawing pictures of "weapons.". If kids don’t comply they face severe punishment that varies from counseling aimed at “re-educating” to being arrested. People are not seeing the big picture here; all this has a huge impact on their young minds. These young children are not only ostracized by their peers, teachers, etc. but also publicly arrested, and then later on their required by the state to have counseling and background checks and God knows what else in the name of “preventing violence” all because they are doodling pictures or playing cops and robbers. This will all have an immense affect on them psychologically, and what types of people they will grow up to be. When these kids become the adults of the future, they may blindly, obediently, and carelessly watch their constitutional right to bare arms fritter away. A right, I may add that our forefathers fought so hard for. By a government that is frighteningly growing larger and more powerful every year. The most depressing and bizarre aspect that I predict is that this right will not be forcefully taken from them, the masses of the near future will vote it out on their own without question, nor concern, in the name of providing a “safer America”. Can you blame them? The government blatantly indoctrinated these people since they were in kindergarten. These people will no longer know how to think for themselves and because they have taken their freedom for granted since they were born, Future Americans will not know what to do, let alone how to react if the US government becomes a Tyranny. Of course by then it will be far too late because we will have no way to defend ourselves. Most think that the U.S. government would never do this to its own citizens. I admit it is hard to believe, however if we place far too much trust and dependency on our government, and never question anything, than our freedom could very easily be taken away given enough ignorant people and a small amount of time.

To ensure liberty and to protect our Freedoms, firstly: We must always know our rights.

Make sure those rights will never change by:
Exercising those Constitutional rights

Make sure that our rights will never be forgotten by:
Properly Educating the youth on our Constitutional Rights, do not let anyone teach them differently when it comes to their Freedom.

Abolishing our Freedom of Speech in the Name of Political Correctness

Before I begin I want whoever may read this to be aware that I do not hate America, I believe it is the greatest country to live in, in the world. If anyone disagrees with that statement, they honestly do not realize just how good they have it.
Also this is not a conspiracy theory, Most of the things I am about to write about are based on true facts..

I believe if American Society remains un-aware, under-educated, and overly obedient, our freedoms could possibly become a distant memory...for some. For the few who actually stop and think, and break out of this "bubble" that is our self- destructive culture. Unfortunately, for the majority of the ignorant, self-indulgent, sheep like people that make up the masses, they will not even realize what they have lost. America will blindly accept this well developed illusion that the government presents to us as "Freedom". This "Freedom" may actually be a form of total government CONTROL.

Let me explain. I am not a lunatic.
Let us take an in-depth look at some our freedoms(that many of us take for granted everyday) that have been blatantly infringed upon, in the name of things such as "Safety", "Fairness", "Diversity"(terms that have been shoved down your throat since you can remember)etc. The media constantly portrays these concepts as good things, most of the time they often have unquestionable names....However I can see right through their gilded meaning. I see a Darker Side.

Political Correctness

What they say: Watching what you say in the name of "fairness" and "Tolerance" to others. Always making sure not to offend anyone…"but Sara, we shouldn’t be Allowed to offend others!!?"

The Truth: Political correctness are the baby steps towards abolishing the First Amendment, The Freedom of speech...Those who don’t obey a political correct way of thinking are then ostracized by the media. Let me ask you something? What if the Government begins mandating what Americans can and cannot say? What is "too offensive" in the name of political correctness? Say someone did not agree with something the president did, they wanted to publicly express their opinion, but the government deemed your thoughts as "dangerous thinking that is far too offensive". Of course most of you believe this could never happen in America. Or could it?.. Across the pond in Europe it is stated that "Children at government schools are being declared mentally ill by the school counselor because they express political views that they got from their parents" other countries similar to our own are enforcing political correctness to silence their people... Just how far away is this grim future? I believe slowly but surely if no one says anything.

“Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”

- George Orwell